
Welcome to a public version of the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge documentation. This documentation was originally written by the Cyber Grand Challenge organizers, and posted on the CGC GitHub organization. This repository is the same documentation, but adapted, formatted, and maintained for web viewing by Legitimate Business Syndicate.

CTF Competitors

Competing in Capture the Flag? Please note that these documents are informational only! They are not a secret CTF challenge! The authors of these documentation do not have a flag for you to capture. Please do not pester them for help.

Reporting Problems or Issues

If you have problems or issues with this repository, please report them to Legitimate Business Syndicate. If you have a GitHub account, file an issue at https://github.com/legitbs/cgc-docs/issues and we'll take a look at it when possible. If you don't have a GitHub account or would like to report issues to us privately for other reasons, please email vito@legitbs.net and we'll get back to you when possible.

How These Documents Were Collected and Processed

  1. Clone all the repositories from the CGC GitHub
  2. Find and extract all the Markdown documents
  3. Remove the sample challenge documents
  4. Put the documents in a Middleman site
  5. Fix file extensions on documents
  6. Add titles to the Markdown documents using the rename_flow.rb script in this site's repo.
  7. Publish